Episode 21: Managing the Big Emotions of Growth (Close-Up with Lacey)

In this solo episode, we dive into the big emotions of growth, which are actually the most crucial to deal with as you scale. Most people think it’s the specific strategy, etc. and what I see again and again is that the strategies are simple but all the stuff it brings up is where you really need support (because that’s also where people can stop their growth and self-sabotage). We dive into some specifics around what’s coming up for Angie and zoom out to talk about ways to manage this when you find yourself in this season.


In this episode, you’ll hear:

  • The biggest area to focus on when you’re trying to let business be good 
  • How to expand your capacity 
  • The hack for moving through overwhelm 
  • When to make practical adjustments
  • The 4 biggest hacks for managing the big feels 


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